water as resources - Let's Crack It

Water is always present on the Earth, in all of its major forms. 
The oceans , lakes, rivers, and ponds are constitute surface water. 

Water if found in all the pores of rocks under the surface of the Earth that called ground water. Water is always presents in the form of ice sheets in the polar and too much high mountain region. 

Water Vapor in the air is also the gaseous form of water on Earth. Water supports all of the forms of life on the Earth and it is very important as natural resources. 
In fact , the terms water is also synonymous with the life . 


Water is a too precious natural resources and it is very useful to us in a number of ways.

● We use water for some domestic purposes, like drinking, cooking , bathing , washing etc . 

Water which we get from rivers and lakes is always used for irrigation , thereby its helps agricultural field.
Underground water is also drawn through the wells and tube wells and that’s used for both domestic as well as agriculture purpose. 

Water is also used for some industrial purpose too, for cleaning and cooling the machines. 

● When water falls from some height, as in waterfalls and dams, it can be harnessed to generate some kind of electricity. 

● Large types of water bodies like seas and oceans helps in moderating the climate of some coastal areas. 

● The oceans water having some great variety of marine life , which is also a source of occupation for some of the people. 

● Rivers, seas, and oceans also serves as a mean of transportation. Both inland and some international waterways are some of the arteries of trade and commerce. 

● Plants get absorb water from the soil. Water also forms an important body weight of some animals. 

● The water vapor in atmosphere is also responsible for providing all type of freshwater on the Earth through precipitation. 


Although about last two - thirds of the Earth's Surface is covered by water and very little of it can actually be used by us. 

About 97% of the total Earth's rates is present in oceans and seas. This is known saline water and it is not suitable for human consumption. 

Another 2% of the water is present in the form of ice-caps and glaciers which cannot be used by us. Only 1% of the water is easily available and fit for the human use. 

It is found as such as water surface in all rivers and lakes , as a groundwater and as water vapor in the atmosphere. 

Freshwater is also the one of the most important and such kind of valuable natural resources of Earth. 

Water is a kind of renewable resources and it has total volume is more and less constant over the Earth, while its need to be conserved and managed in proper way. 

Distribution of freshwater is highly present in uneven type in this world. This is due to differences in many climatic conditions. 

In so many regions where precipitation is more than evaporation , where there us excess of water. While the region where precipitation is present in excess they are just located between the Equator and 20* North and South latitudes. 

This has been resulted in the formation of kind of deserts in these type of regions. 
For example: The Sahara, the Arabian, the Gobi deserts in the Northern hemisphere , the Namib, the Kalahari and the Western Australian deserts in the Southern Hemisphere. 

While Rain is the main source of fresh water. Rainwater always seeps into the Earth's surface and the part of its get stored as a ground water. 

The upper level of such ground water just below to the Earth's surface is known as water table. 


In many of the countries special projects have been taken to develop water resources. They are thus called multipurpose river valley projects. 


In a multipurpose project, there's one or more huge dams that are constructed across a river to store water in reservoirs. 

So that the benefits derived from multipurpose projects are as follow: 

● Irrigation water is also provided in some areas of rainfall and also it has some dry season. 

● Controlling of floods in the rivers. 

● Generation of some hydroelectricity, which is also provides electricity to the people and its also encourage the development of some of the industrial region.

● Afforestation, these leads to the conservatives of the soils. 

● Fish breeding is getting practiced in the waters of some of the reservoirs. 

Some other important ones are Aswan in Egypt, Tarbell in Pakistan , Volta in Ghana . 

Large dams have been come under a lots of criticism from the environmentalists.  They get argued that these are the dams that have caused a number of some ecological problems. Some of them are: 

● Due to construction of some large dams, river waters are diverted. 

● The water level is getting increased and the forest areas under it . 

● Tribal population living in some nearby area is displaced. 


Scarcity of some water resources is a major problem that should be faced by many of the popular countries. 

The regions which get suffering most are Northern Africa , Central and West Asia,  the Middle East, parts of South Asia, parts of South America and Central and Western Australia. 

The main reason for water scarcity, means it get unequal distribution of rainfall at many of the different places and at different points of time. 

In 1999, only 26 countries were facing too much water scarcity. It is that by 2025, 65 countries including India, Korea , Nigeria, Peru and Poland will face too much shortage of water. 


Contamination of water is always caused by untreated or it get partly treated sewage , pesticides , chemical fertilizers and industrial effluents. 

Pesticides are also used in agriculture and they are not biodegradable and get enter human bodies through water. 

The developed countries also have been banned the use of pesticides and this should be done in the developing countries also. 

Oil spills from tankers, leakage from petrol and diesel tanks , and cleaning fluids , these all are responsible for polluting the soil and water


Water is as a natural resource is also of the prime importance to us. Rapid population growth had been fast depleted and the reservoirs of the freshwater. 

Deforestation, construction of houses, roads and industries has also been depleted the underground water reserves. 

The important methods that conserving water are as follows: 

● Afforestation that is always been plantings of trees and other plants , that can slow down by the many of the surface that can be run off and get improved seepage of the water in the soil. 

● The most important use of  freshwater irrigation. Sprinkles are a very effective method for this irrigation  through some seepage can also be checked. Underground so many pipes having that can be supply water to roots of plants. 

● Industrial water may be rejected and recycled and getting for cleaning and cooling the machines. 

● Rainwater harvesting also an important method of conserving water. Rainwater also can be collected in the storage tanks and later it can be used to fill up the wells and tube wells. 


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